Friday, March 28, 2008

Life Changes

When we are yooung we have so many hopes , dreams and aspirations. When Jeff and I started out we wanted to make a huge difference in this world for Christ. As time goes by, life happens, things change and you wonder "Have I made a difference? Have I done all that God has called me to do?". We are again faced with a fork in th road and choices to make. I know that God has a plan for us and He will reveal it in His time. However, sometimes in those quiet moments as I pray and listen, I wonder......


Ron Smith said...

I think sometimes our idea of the sort of difference we'll make is not what God has in mind. You have made a significant difference in my life and in the life of 7 little ones by raising your daughter to be a godly wife and mother.

Myra said...

Sometimes the unknown looms over us and makes us feel fear and anxiety. But praise God, I can look back over the 20 years that I've known you and your family, and have confidence that He will prove His faithfulness to you again as He has done many, many times before!
I'm thankful for your friendship through the years.